How to stop your glasses from fogging up while wearing a mask
There are many mythical DIY way’s to stop your glasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask.
We’ll explain ‘the why, the do’s, and the dont’s in our guide to stop your glasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask.
Before we get into our Do’s and Don’ts, lets understand why our eyewear are fogging up.
Fog is being created because your face mask isn’t tight enough to your face, allowing the air from your nose and mouth to exit through the mask to your glasses.
Not good.
Make sure to wipe the fog down with soap, water, and a soft cloth, just like a Barroccu & Co Cloth.
This will help to minimise the build-up of bacteria.
Do not use your breath to moisten your lenses for it can spread bacteria from your mouth.
Not good.
In order to stop your eyewear from fogging up, you’ll need to adjust your face mask.
Ideally, you do not want to allow air to travel from the top of your face mask only out of the bottom.
There are multiple methods to do this:
1. Tighten your face mask to your face by adjusting the ear loops.
2. Mold the face mask to your face by adding a pipe cleaner as a nose wire and shape it to fit your face.
3. Tape your mask to your face or just to the bridge of your nose. You can use athletic or medical tape. Tape that is found in office supplies can irritate your skin.
4. Place your glasses over your face mask in order to put weight onto your mask to seal it onto your skin as best it can. Keep in mind, this method might not work based on what type of glasses you own.
An anti-fog spray or wipe can be found online. These products create a film on your glasses that resist fogging.
Applying shaving cream, toothpaste, or any household product that hasn’t been approved to be used for lenses can damage your lenses. These coatings are expensive and essential for important tasks. The chemicals in these unauthorised products can be too abrasive, and strip away the coatings on your lenses. The coatings on your glasses can be essential for UV protection, blue light filtering, and many other important purposes.
Even though fogging can be annoying, it is something we will encounter if our face mask isn’t fitted onto our faces properly or we do not use an anti-fog spray on our lenses. Wearing a face mask during these unprecedented times can help prevent the spread of the virus. It is essential that we wear them to help our communities and those who are most susceptible to the virus.
If we can be of any assistance please contact us at any time.