Microfibre Cleaning Cloth For Smart Devices
The right way to clean your phone screen


Microfibre cloth for smart devices

Here is a step by step tutorial from leading microbiologist Dr Lena Ciric at University College London covering how to safely and effectively remove bacteria and viruses from your smartphone.

Very useful advice for protecting yourself and combating the Coronavirus pandemic.

There has been a revolution in smart screen technology over the past decade and enviably most smart devices have become part of our everyday lives.

You might find this staggering but during a recent study an average person will check their phone on average once every 12 minutes – burying their heads in their phones 80 times a day. With this in mind your device will undoubtedly attract more grime and grease as well as the unseen viruses and bacteria transported between the fingertips of the population on a daily basis.

Barroccu & Co have designed a superior quality cleaning cloth that can effectively remove dirt and moisture seamlessly. 

Barroccu & Co cloths are supremely soft and we have used the optimum levels of polyester and nylon microfibre to produce the most effective and safe screen cleaning without the use of any chemicals.

If you have any questions that are not covered by our FAQ then please feel free to contact us.

Cacti from Barroccu & Co - Microfibre Cloth For Smart Devices
A double sided microfibre cleaning cloth designed to clean all laptop, phone and smart tablet devices. Limited edition with original artwork.
